Are Dwarpalo Lyrics

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Are Dwarpalo is a popular Hindi devotional song that is sung in praise of Lord Krishna. The song is about Sudama, a poor Brahmin who was a childhood friend of Lord Krishna. The lyrics of the song describe Sudama’s journey to meet Lord Krishna and his experience at the temple.

Here is an article written in relaxed English language about Are Dwarpalo Lyrics.

Are Dwarpalo is a popular Hindi devotional song that is sung in praise of Lord Krishna. The song is about Sudama, a poor Brahmin who was a childhood friend of Lord Krishna. The lyrics of the song describe Sudama’s journey to meet Lord Krishna and his experience at the temple.

The song starts with the line Dekho dekho yeh garibi which means Look at this poverty. The lyrics then go on to describe Sudama’s journey to meet Lord Krishna. Sudama is described as being very poor and having nothing to offer his friend. However, he decides to visit Lord Krishna anyway.

When Sudama arrives at the temple, he is greeted by Lord Krishna’s guards who ask him why he has come. Sudama tells them that he is a childhood friend of Lord Krishna and that he has come to see him. The guards are skeptical at first but eventually let him in.

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When Sudama finally meets Lord Krishna, he is overwhelmed with emotion. He falls at his feet and cries tears of joy. Lord Krishna welcomes him with open arms and treats him like a king.

The lyrics of the song are very emotional and describe Sudama’s journey in great detail. They also describe the love and friendship between Sudama and Lord Krishna.

Here are some websites where you can find more information about Are Dwarpalo Lyrics:

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