How Many Midges Are There In Scotland

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How Many Midges Are There In Scotland

Midges are tiny flying insects that are found in Scotland. They are known for their painful bites and can be a nuisance to people who live in Scotland. During peak midge season (July and August), there can be close to 200,000 TRILLION midges flying around in Scotland. Approximately one quarter of Scotland provides optimal conditions for midges to thrive. To reproduce again, midges will require an abdomen full of blood to lay each additional batch of eggs (usually a maximum of three batches in their lifetime). In midge season, there are potentially 180 trillion midges in Scotland.

Midges are small two-winged flies which often form swarms or clouds. There are a number of different species of midge, some of which partly feed off nectar in addition to the blood of animals and sometimes humans. The Highland midge is the type of midge that lives in Scotland.

There are 35 species of midges in Scotland and not all of them bite, in fact only 5 species will actually bite you. To avoid being bitten by midges, you can use insect repellent or wear long-sleeved clothing.

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