S Typhi O Normal Range

the normal range for S. Typhi O

What is the Normal Range for S. Typhi O

S. Typhi O is an antigen that is present in the bacterium Salmonella typhi, which causes typhoid fever. The Widal test is a blood test that measures the antibodies to S. Typhi O. A normal range for S. Typhi O is a titre of 180 or below. A titre of 1160 or above is considered positive for typhoid fever.

A positive Widal test result does not always mean that you have typhoid fever. There are a number of other conditions that can cause a positive Widal test, such as

* Paratyphoid fever
* Salmonella gastroenteritis
* Inflammatory bowel disease
* Liver disease
* Malaria

If you have a positive Widal test result, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis. Your doctor will likely order additional tests, such as a blood culture, to confirm the diagnosis of typhoid fever.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the normal range for S. Typhi O

* The normal range may vary from lab to lab.
* The normal range may also vary depending on your age, vaccination status, and recent travel history.
* If you have a positive Widal test result, it is important to repeat the test in 10 days. A four-fold increase in the titre between the two tests is highly suggestive of typhoid fever.

If you have any questions about the normal range for S. Typhi O, please talk to your doctor.

Watch the video S Typhi O Normal Range below

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